No Journal was published July 5 or 6, 1930. Once again, a collection of my favorite items of the week. These aren't a representative selection but just the ones that made me smile or take notice.
July 4:
Researchers for the state of California find that girls are more intelligent than boys of the same age. About 10% more boys than girls are developmentally disabled; about 4% more girls than boys skip one or more grades; girls found able to study better than boys, and to be "more mature mentally." [Note: Disturbingly Familiar Item 1]
Fiat announces plan to increase output, while an Italian tariff of 100% on autos is proposed. Market not sure what to make of it; no shares traded on the Curb Exchange.. “There has been talk from time to time that a big American automobile company was seeking control of Fiat.” [Note: I swear I didn't make that one up.]
July 3:
$250,000 order placed with American Hardware Corp. for gold-plated doorknobs to be used in Waldorf-Astoria.
Eventual recovery from depression is ensured by US population growth, as seen in the recent census. 25 years ago steel capacity of 15 million tons a year was considered too high; now three times as much steel is produced annually. Similar increases have occurred in the consumption of many other products. [Note: Disturbingly Familiar Item 2]
July 2:
Bill Robinson [Bojangles], Harlem's greatest tap dancer, appearing in the Palace Theatre. Has been performing for 32 years. Famous for inventing new steps, such as the stair dance. So many performers are now imitating the stair dance that he's now doing his own imitation of himself doing it.
At a recent large corporation's stockholder meeting, the secretary was annoyed to find two men with no proxy forms. "Whom do you represent?" the secretary asked. "The short interest," the gentlemen replied.
July 1:
Editorial: D.M. Marvin, economist for Royal Bank of Canada, says present depression caused by tight credit; points out that in spite of low rediscount rate many banks are not lending due to poor balance sheets; total credit extended by the Fed. Reserve banks fell from $1.621B last Oct. to $937M in June. Proposes Fed. Reserve banks inject $500M of reserve credit by purchasing government securities. Idea is worth considering, but must be done with care to avoid inflation. [Note: Disturbingly Familiar Item 3, particularly the part in italics.]
The Big Fight - story about gambling rings trying to fix a championship boxing match; adapted from the 1928 stage play starring Jack Dempsey. Best scenes are “the gambler's conferences and the training of the fighters.” Climactic fight is unrealistic; film has too much “repetition of 'fight picture' devices, now hackneyed.” [Note: Thank God they didn't live to see Rocky.]
June 30:
Frances Perkins, NY State industrial commissioner, says Commerce Sec. Lamont is distorting unemployment figures by using percentage of total population instead of wage earners (only 40% of population). [Note: Disturbingly Familiar Item 4]
AT&T applies to Federal Radio Commission for another radio frequency to handle trans-oceanic calls. Complains that during a recent stock slump had 100 calls requested but only able to handle 29. [Note: 27 of them were from James Cramer, Sr.]
P.E. Crowley, pres. NY Central railroad: “I cannot believe that this country of ours, with its great and resourceful population ... can long remain in a state of depression, business or otherwise. I believe ... that we have turned the corner; that we will slowly but surely go forward to at least as great prosperity as has ever before been attained.” [Note: Disturbingly Familiar Item 5]
Colgate-Palmolive charged with deceptive advertising for using “naptha” in soap brand names, deceiving public into believing that said soap “contained sufficient naptha to be effective as a cleansing ingredient.”
First National Bank of Farmland, Ind. closes after cashier embezzles $12,000. [Note: May sound low, but this was approximately $12B in today's dollars. Note 2: That last note was a joke! The correct number is probably something in the $120,000-$200,000 range.]
Changes in food consumption habits since the end of the World War: more dairy, citrus fruit, vegetables, vegetable oils, sugar; about the same potatoes and eggs; less cereals, poultry, other fruit.
William Boyce Thompson will filed; estate valued at over $85M; founder of Newmont Mining and Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research. Vast collection of minerals, carved stones, and curios left to the American Museum of Natural History. Quote from Henry Alloway's obit for Thompson: "Genuineness of pathos has this week stirred assembly of High Finance eminents at the grave side of this man whose career's deeds, motifs, have brillianted tradition's veritably revivified field of the cloth of gold."
Commodity trading mostly dull, little price change; wheat lower after good crop news. Foreign currencies generally higher, thought to be delayed reaction to low US rates.
Census survey finds only 2% of the general population unemployed (defined as having no job at time of the Census in April, though able to work and looking for a job). Survey covers about one fourth of the population, or 29.3M people. Wide variation found between localities; highest was Nevada at 4.5%. Commerce Sec. Lamont says these figures appear to be representative of the country as a whole and indicate "much less unemployment then was generally estimated."
New bond offerings in first half 1930 were $3.29B vs. $1.91B in 1929; offerings in June $525.4M vs. $630.9M in May. June total was smallest for year except February, but far above any month in first half 1929. Utility, rail, and foreign borrowings all up considerably over 1929.
May US auto exports $31.6M vs. $37.4M in April and $45.3M in May 1929. First five months exports $173M vs. $299.4M in 1929.
Chicago construction contracts awarded in year up to June 28 were $65.2M vs. $220.1M in 1929.
New York construction contracts awarded in June $80.3M vs. $84.8M in 1929.
Department of Agriculture says that drastic reductions in wheat acreage must be made in order for production to be profitable over the next several years. Sees worldwide increase in production without corresponding increase in demand. Calls for organization of producers into "units for collective action."
Baldwin Locomotive reports sales first 6 months 1930 were $17.5M vs. $8.6M in 1929; unfilled orders July 1 were $14.8M vs. $14.1M in 1929; new business booked was $9.4M vs. $17.4M in 1929.
Paramount (movies) expects first half earnings of $2.85/share vs. $2.28/share in 1929.
Packard announces record June shipments of 4,300 cars vs. 4,150 in 1929. Follows $400 price cut on all standard models.
Swiss American Electric earnings for year ended April 30 were $4.66/share vs. $4.63 in 1929.
Island Creek Coal second-quarter earnings estimated slightly under $500,000 vs. $669,498 in 1929.
Ritter Dental Mfg. expects first half sales down 7% from 1929, earnings down 20%.